Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Why I chose the psychology course?

To me psychology is a subject with no right or wrong answers because its a subject about how we think about ourselves and why we think the way we do. I also know that for a fact that not everybody thinks the same as us, so to me psychology is more about what we think rather than what we are supposed to know. Unlike math or science where there is only 1 correct answer, psychology seems more broad and there is so much room to explorer coming up with Multiple answers for one simple question. Psychology also seems to be more interesting that other subjects because we know that in Physical Education (PE) we expect movement, in math we expect numbers and formulas, and in biology we expect to be studying about life, but in psychology Im not really sure what Im expecting because its not something we come across everyday. Yes, we make decisions, but thats not the point because in psychology it's about why we made the decision we made not how we made it. So I'm ready to study psychology and find out the state of my mind, and hopefully the state of the human mind as well.

i don't know why it tickled my curiousness...
i don't know why it is interesting for me...
i don't know if i could really deal with different people...

but one thing's for sure for me,
rules are constant,
formulas are constant,
and people are not,
they maybe constant, but
constantly changing...

that's the reason why for me, psychology is the hardest
field of concentration.

i like my course so much ^^


  1. (psychology is more about what we think rather than what we are supposed to know.)

    --i like this part in here, haha.
    i agree! psych is something that deals with how people are thinking, not wholely about how we are suppposed to think!
    --i hope this is really the career you want to graduate in..god speed!

  2. ..,,good luck sa career!!!
    ..,,be serious lang sa imoh course!!!..

  3. always think of your life and future..

  4. hahahaha!!!!!

    pagxur havey!!!
    effort au huh!!!goodluck!

  5. +nice one! i believe we should LOVE our chosen field coz it's our path to our future careEr. Psychology really deals with complexity even though the questions are so simple but yet it can go on through a huge ideas. Just keEp up the ideas and walk on to a straight direction (hehehe) i guess u know what i mean. God spEed alwayz!

  6. good luck!!!

    be serious sa pagstudy
